This is what you are looking for


You stack up just fine. You are perfect and beautiful, and your value as a person is immeasurable.

The five real reasons you don't have a software development job yet

  1. You are not ready yet. Keep pluggin' away!
  2. The world is fundamentally unjust. (Includes market conditions, discrimination, bad luck...)
  3. You haven't admitted to yourself that software engineering is not for you, like in a way that you'd be very unhappy if you spent every day working on software. You and the universe are trying to save you. Love yourself enough to not force things that don't fit.
  4. Resumes, interview skills, nerves, shyness, and other things only tagently related to hard skills.
  5. You're too good.

Triplebyte is cool, and it's important and good to be objective about one's chances for employment, but don't ever let a business make you feel bad about yourself.